Our Vision

"... that in everything Christ might have the supremacy" (Colossians 1:18)

"London City Presbyterian Church exists 'that in everything Christ might have the supremacy', by proclaiming the Good News and discipling the nations in the City of London and throughout the world."

London is famous for its ethnic diversity, but more important to us is its religious make-up: according to the Office of National Statistics, London has a higher proportion of Muslims (8.5 per cent), Hindus (4.1 per cent) Jews (2.1 per cent) Buddhists (0.8 per cent) and people of other religions (0.5 per cent) than anywhere else in the United Kingdom. In addition, London has the lowest proportion of people professing the Christian faith in the U.K., with only 58 per cent of the London population describing themselves as Christian believers. 16 per cent of the population of London say they have no religion at all, rising to 25 per cent in the City of London. (2001 figures)

The ends of the earth have come to town and they know little or nothing about Jesus, and what little is known is largely rejected.

God has placed London City Presbyterian Church in a vast, ethnically and religiously diverse city. The 'nations' Jesus calls us to disciple, live here. Our vision is to call together, by the proclamation of the good news throughout this city, an ethnically diverse congregation, 'from every tribe and language and nation' (Rev. 7:9) who will be captivated by the supremacy of The Lord Jesus.

However, making disciples of all nations is but an aspect of our larger vision: the exaltation of Christ over all things; this is the driving concern of all that we do as a congregation. In our view nothing more fully articulates the desire of God in creation and redemption, or more fully explains the goal of the Christian life, than the exaltation of Jesus Christ and the recognition of his supreme dominion over every sphere of our lives.

To that end we strive to make Christ the heartbeat of our life together as a congregation. He is the theme of all our preaching. He is at the heart of all our worship. We aim to make him and his agenda in the Bible the reality that shapes and directs our daily lives. As a congregation we long to be Christ proclaiming, Christ obeying, and Christ glorifying.

Having come to bow before the supremacy of Christ, we have found our sin and guilt addressed, our hearts warmed, our deepest needs met, our greatest hunger satisfied. We are convinced that a life that pleases God, satisfies our souls, and builds the Church, is one that lives under and by the supremacy of Christ; it is living in a way that announces to the world that in every sphere of our lives the claims of Jesus come first.  The supremacy of Christ more than anything else summarises our objectives as a congregation of lost men and women saved by grace alone.